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What Are The Benefits of Online Tutoring?



Tutoring, whether online or in-person, allows children the opportunity to make the most of their potential. Every learner is different. Children can differ in behaviour, opinions, understanding and learning abilities, so naturally, comparing one student with another is impossible. One may absorb information quickly, while another needs that little extra push.

When thinking about education and learning, our minds immediately jump to the typical classroom setting. With the teacher in the room, some students may find the classroom the best place to learn. Being observed by the teacher can be great motivation to do work. However, for many other students, the classroom environment can be a little overwhelming, especially for those who consider themselves easily distracted. This is where home learning comes in, more specifically, online tutoring.



Here Are Some Advantages of  Online Tutoring (and why it should be with Neon-Edu):


Accessibility for Learners 

To begin with, the primary benefit of home tutoring for learners is, of course, accessibility. By removing travel fees and travel time, the opportunity for further improvement and learning practically falls on your doorstep. Besides, tuition costs and the average price of in-person tutors (which can range from £15 to £40 per visit) are a couple of other reasons online tutoring is becoming more and more appealing. Luckily, Neon -Edu provides convenient and flexible online tutoring services to those in need. Through our AI/BI Learning Platform, we give students a chance to seek further preparation, from Year 7 to GCSE, as well as AS/A Level. In our monthly subscription packages, we provide weekly online live classes, additional mentoring sessions and a personalised guidance scheme via the real-time dashboard. Furthermore, the advanced Analytics and AI-Enabled Database continuously monitor students’ progress so that you can track your child’s development. Check out our subscription packages here.


Finding the Best Learning Style 

Many students can often feel that learning in a classroom is ineffective. Due to the restrictions and distractions that come with the classroom environment, students may struggle with taking full advantage of the time. It can also be challenging for a teacher in a class to ensure each student receives the attention they need, which may cause some students to miss out on the advice and guidance that is vital for further development. At-home teaching can eliminate this problem and serve as a great help for such students. Neon-Edu is an excellent example of an at-home education provider where students can figure out a learning style which best suits them. For any subject your child needs help with, our tutors will guide them through each topic until they achieve clarity and boost their self-esteem. If you’re interested in 1-on-1 coaching, don’t hesitate to write to us here and we will answer any questions you have.


Encouraging Parental Involvement

Another critical aspect of a dependable online learning platform is how parents can interact with their child’s progress. Optimising parental involvement allows parents insight into how their child’s tutor educates, ensuring the quality of the tutors and confirming they’re getting their money’s worth. If you would like to be more involved in your child’s further education, we at Neon-Edu provide a system that is not like other learning platforms. With Neon-Edu, you can track your child’s performance and have a direct line of communication with the tutors to discuss your child’s progress. From then, the tutor will guide you, as parents, regarding all that can be done to improve your child’s performance.

With any exams, be it revising for GCSEs or for A-levels, it’s very much encouraged to make sure you explore all possibilities of potential further learning services to ensure maximum success for your child. For those students approaching their A-Levels, getting additional support through at-home tutoring is a convenient way to increase the chances of receiving the grades they need to go to their university of choice.

Catered with your personal goals in mind, take a look at our subscription plans and find more information about what Neon-Edu can do for you here. Lastly, if youre a student who finds it difficult to focus, take look at this short 3-minute video that runs through some ideas to help you focus when learning online.


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