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How to Ace A-Level Physics (And Impress Your Physics Teacher)

How to Ace A-Level Physics (And Impress Your Physics Teacher)


So, A Level Physics. There are only two types of students when it comes to Physics. You either have an understanding or… you don’t. Physics as a subject is extremely large, and so the best way to tackle Physics is to get a head start on revision, and I don’t just mean weeks, I mean months, a year, or two years! But that’s the same when it comes to studying any subject, really.

By choosing Physics as an A level I’m going to take a guess and say that you have a somewhat understanding of the subject. If that’s the case then, congratulations! You’ve made it! Hand in your lab coat and take a seat, my friend. However, if you want to get further than just the understanding of Physics, then pick your lab coat back up and let’s get to work! For those wanting to master physics and are wanting a physics-involved career, then you’re aiming for those A*’s to get into a good University to then study that field. If this is you, take a look at this article by The Guardian: Best UK universities for physics-league table, where you’ll find the top three are:

1. Oxford

2. Durham

3. Cambridge

And with that, let’s get into how Neon Education can help.


what is Neon Education


Firstly, what is Neon Education? 

Neon Education is an AI-Based Online Supplementary Tutoring Program, which, through its meticulous database, can predict a student’s future grades and indicate what areas need to be focused on. Within four different monthly subscription packages, ranging from Year 7 to GCSE and As/A Levels, are resources that ensure students improve academically. Monthly subscription packages cost only £40 per month, per subject, and the subjects for A-level students include English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.And how can Neon-Edu help me with Physics?



Well, to put it simply, within our monthly subscription packages, which offer 10 hours of learning per month, we are able to offer Physics specific assistance. This includes:

  • Oxford/Cambridge tutors and mentors
  • A real-time dashboard to review your child’s progress
  • The ability to review the work of tutors
  • A social site where children can form revision groups
  • Regular assessments and quizzes to check the progress
  • A brain pedagogy-focused learning technique

what is Brain PedagogyAnd, what is Brain Pedagogy?

Brain Pedagogy is about brain-based teaching methods, lesson designs, and school programs which are developed to reflect the latest scientific research about how the brain learns, for example, how students learn differently as they age, grow, mature socially, and emotionally. If you’re interested to know a bit more, click here to watch this video to learn more about brain-based learning.

So, with all these factors added up together, by taking full advantage of the resources provided at Neon Education, you will be on track to mastering physics!

If you are interested in other subjects we have to offer A-level students, then check out our A-Level Course page for more information. For those that are wanting to join us at Neon-Education, feel free to send us a message through our contact form or Whatsapp.

Last note: If you are genuinely concerned about your A-level Physics exam, you can always talk to your teacher about it. They are there for you to ask questions. They may even point you in the right direction regarding what you need to do to start revising.

Good Luck!

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