
Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements


About US

  /  About US

Neon Education was founded by a group of technology and education enthusiasts, including alumni from London Business School, Stanford University and IIT, who are passionate about using advanced technology to deliver cost effective intelligent learning.

Purpose of our Journey is to democratize inequalities in educational opportunities, reduce cost of Quality education and enable access to students all across the world. With Neon’s Tech assisted AI platform, we envision giving all learners a focused quality learning experience &  improvement in grades.

A better grade in GCSE/A-levels increases the chances of attending a good university, increases life opportunities and has a direct positive effect on society and a long term impact on reduction of Govt. expenditure on Income support and benefits. 

Our Team

Top educators from prestigious UK higher education institutions and Oxford- Cambridge graduates contribute to the course content, pedagogy and On-line delivery. Two teachers are assigned to each Young Achiever class to help students achieve an A/A*

UK Team

India Team


Empowering learners to reach their full potential

Neon’s  Tech-assisted learning provides the support system every learner requires, from Year 7 to AS/A level Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Math and focused towards achieving A/A*required for  Oxford Cambridge STEM admissions.

Our dedicated tutors take full responsibility for their students and are totally invested in their success, ensuring that all their pupils complete their road map, regardless of where and how they begin.