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How Parents Can Support Their Children With Their Homework?



Busy parents often struggle with the guilt of not being able to help their kids with homework. But on the other hand, plenty of parents have the time but need to learn how to help their children with homework.

These are parents who would love to help their children with homework. But they simply cant due to their lack of knowledge of the complicated and in-depth subjects children deal with these days.

So the question is, how can busy or semi-busy parents find ways to help their kids with their homework? What is the solution that can be affordable and convenient?

Lets answer all of your questions!

The Homework Help Market Gap

Sure, homeschooling tutors and study classes offer supplementary classes to learners. But these have serious flaws:

  1. The child has to enrol for a course that covers the entire subject. There is no guarantee that homework helpwill specifically be covered.
  2. Supplementary homeschooling tutoring, both in-person and online, is expensive. Not to mention the homeschooling cost is high and only increasing, which becomes an extra burden.
  3. Supplemental classes take much free time off your childs daily schedule. After school, the child has to spend time at these classes, during the commute and then spend time with the to-dowork assigned at these classes.

The Homework Assistance Market Need

Homework assistance for kids is thus a severe market need that needs specific and targeted solutions. Unless a learner wants to cope with the rigours of daily homework, the need to provide the perfect-fit solutions must look at homework specifically.

Considering that most parents need to be more in touch with the knowledge requirements of school, equipping children with the means to assisted learning is not enough.

How Can NEON Help You?

Hence we have products like NEONs homework help service offering. This service offers direct homework support to primary school kids, especially in high-level subjects like Math, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry and languages such as English and Spanish.

The main advantages of this specific homework assistance product are:

  • The classes are online so that learners do not waste additional time commuting. There is also no need for an in-person homeschooling tutor to waste additional costs.
  • The affordable classes so parents do not stress over another monetary outflow.
  • Real teachers who know the length and breadth of the subject matter are offered homework assistance.
  • On-demand sessions and personalised due to the joys of video calling.
  • Having qualified tutors work with the learners on their homework gives them another avenue to clear their doubts and understand critical concepts.
  • Unlike other portals that offer help with homework, NEONs teachers are all local and know the local education system inside out.
  • NEONs database of skilled teachers are masters in their chosen subjects. Parents no longer need to hunt for tutors to guide their children through their homework.

Take a look at our YouTube Video on how NEON works and how it can assist you and your child with homework.

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