Neon Edu 1
In 2017, grade boundaries in the UK changed. We went from the familiar A*-G grading to the number system we now know as 9-1. The change started with English Literature, English Language and Maths in 2018, with all subjects transferred to the new system by 2020. So, what is this new grading system? In this blog post, we will unpick these GCSE grade boundaries and discuss how they are set, as
Guide to Oxford and Cambridge Interviews
Interviews at Oxbridge are notoriously tough but are an essential part of the application process. Before worrying about your upcoming interview, you should first congratulate yourself that you have been selected for an interview! With all the applications Oxbridge receives each year, you have stood out as someone with potential. To prepare for the interview season, this article will give you a run-down on Oxbridge interviews, what to expect, the questions
GCSE Boundaries Explained
In 2017, grade boundaries in the UK changed. We went from the familiar A*-G grading to the number system we now know as 9-1. The change started with English Literature, English Language and Maths in 2018, with all subjects transferred to the new system by 2020. So, what is this new grading system? In this blog post, we will unpick these GCSE grade boundaries and discuss how they are set, as
Deciding between Oxford or Cambridge
The age-old question for many high-achieving academics: do you apply for Oxford or Cambridge university? Picking between these two historic institutions will be a very personal decision only you can make. Knowing why you want to apply for your chosen university will also help improve your application, as we all know, you cannot apply for both. This blog is designed to make the decision a little easier for you by dissecting
When Should You Start Revising for GCSEs?
GCSEs are sure to strike terror in the hearts of many students! It is only understandable since there is a lot at stake; your entire higher education depends on your GCSE scores. But with proper, well-planned revision, you can ace the exam. But how much time is needed to revise? What are the best practices to follow? What should be avoided during the revision? Read on to find answers to