AS/A-Level Physics is considered as one of the hardest courses due to content’s highly conceptual nature & application based difficult exams. Neon’s Young Achiever – Physics classes for students planning engineering or physics major will benefit by improving their concepts and mathematical & problem-solving abilities.

AS/A level Chemistry combines Physical, Organic, and Inorganic chemistry and represents a huge step up from GCSE. With three things to master, each with plenty of topics make it tough, Neon’s Artificial Intelligence platform continually pinpoints the weak topics and prioritizes those, which helps you save time and improve your grade quickly.

Neon’s Young Achiever – Math subscription helps students to narrow the gap between AS/A level & GCSE and improve their grades by learning the fundamental concepts and its application problems, with loads of practice.

Studying medicine at university is highly competitive, the admission process is more intricate & selective. Biology A Level has a lot of content to grasp, concepts are harder, a whole new vocabulary and demanding exams. By taking topic tests & platform predicting the weaknesses, Neon Tutors helps to revise efficiently, not just learn everything from scratch.
Young Achiever
10 hours of Learning, assessment & feedback every month for each subject
- 4 hours of Live Online lesson
- 4 hours of mandatory Assignment Tests
- 1-hour of Quizzes
- 1-hour mentoring/doubt clearing
- Two tutors/mentors will monitor progress and continuity
- Additional Question handbooks, presentation & mind maps
- Video recordings of the on-line classes
- Defined learning objectives & course
Young Genius
14 hours of Learning, assessment & feedback every month for each subject
- 4 hours of Live Online lesson
- 4 hours of mandatory assignment Tests
- 2 hours of Quiz
- 4 hours mentoring & doubt clearing
- Two tutors/mentors will monitor progress and continuity
- Additional Question handbooks, presentation & mind maps
- Video recordings of the on-line classes
- Defined learning objectives & course
Young Achievers
£40 per month/ subject subscription
15% discount on paying one-time full course fee (32 weeks): £270 /subject
New batch starting every month
Flexible weekly & weekend timetable
Young Genius
£60 per month/ subject subscription
15% discount on paying one-time full course fee (32 weeks): £405 /subject
New batch starting every month
Higher ability group, Teaching will be focused to A* and beyond
Monthly Subscription Plan1
Subjects Covered
Covering all UK Exam Boards

Platform features